
I am frequently approached to manufacture “one offs” or bespoke items. I will add some of them here for reference.

Donaghadee Lighthouse

I was asked if I would make a replica of Donaghadee lighthouse, loving a challenge I took it on.

This finished item is approximately 1 metre tall, with a simulated lighting effect. It’s produced using a pcb with a microcontroller pic chip programmed to suit. I had quite a few wee hurdles to overcome on this one, but who doesn’t love a challenge. I hope you like it as much as I do. Pity the picture doesn’t portray it in all it’s full glory.

Donaghadee lighthouse
Donaghadee lighthouse



Skull and Dragons

I like fantasy images and saw one recently of this skull with dragons on either side. I machined it on my CNC from an offcut of Oak and then finished it with some natural beeswax. I think if I make another of these some day, i’d make it larger, use a smaller cutter to increase the detail and test a few more finishing options to enhance the appearance. I believe every day is and should be a school day.

skull and dragons machining
skull and dragons machining


Pawprint memorial.

It’s never easy to experience the loss of a pet, after all they do tend to become a big part of the family. Having had a pawprint made,  the couple wanted to turn it into something that would serve as a reminder of their beloved pet. I enlarged the pawprint as it was very small, and created this lovely plaque, laser engraved with their pets name. It is almost complete but hasn’t been treated in this picture, it will have a keyhole mount on the rear for wall hanging.

Pawprint memory
Pawprint memory


Golfers memorial plaque

I was asked if I could make some form of memorial plaque on behalf of a family for their recent bereavement. It was to be placed at the graveside as a lasting memory, and had to have a golfing theme with a small engraved section.

Golf plaque
Golf plaque


Chess board.

I always had an interest in chess, not that I ever managed to play the game much. I decided to make myself a nice chess board and pieces. The board was made from pine and mahogany, the squares were individually machined. I included inlaid letters and numbers in case I get a chance to play remotely. The celtic scroll on the bevelled edges was a nice little finishing touch. I had a number of attempts at french polishing, which involved completely skimming the top face a couple of times as I wasn’t happy with the finish. The end result produced a nice almost golden effect.

The chess pieces were resin cast from silicon moulds, I brushed an antique effect finish to the pieces for ageing.

Chess board std view
Chess board std view
Chess board iso view
Chess board iso view

Wedding guest book alternative.

A little different to some of the usual items used for wedding guests to send their best wishes. This letter “E” denotes the surname of the newly married couple. The guests write on it with contrasting white permanent pen and it is saved as a reminder of the wonderful day and can take pride of place on a wall on show in the home.

Wedding guest signing letter
Wedding guest signing letter

Dog poop sign

One of the residents in a apartment block tenders the garden area, making it a wonderful place for the residents to go and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. It’s an area of peace and tranquility that he takes great pride in maintaining. His apartment is on the ground floor and he has had a patio door installed to enable direct access.

Occasionally he is left an unwanted present by some of the residential pets, so I made a few signs that he could place around the garden as a friendly reminder.

Dog poop sign closeup
Dog poop sign

Church Baptism sign

A friend from Belfast asked me to help with a display area in her church. It was an area that would identify the children that had been baptised within the past 5 years. She needed a nice sign, so I made this item from a wooden flooring panel.

Cnc machined profile and laser etched text, with a fine coat of spray lacquer to finish

Baptism sign
Baptism sign

Planter signs for local nursery

Made a couple of planter boxes a while back for the local nursery, decided it was time to add a nice sign.

Laser marked on the flat face of a decking board, pressure treated so should last a good while.

Lasered decking board for local nursery
Lasered decking board for local nursery Just off the machine
Lasered decking board for local nursery attached
Lasered decking board for local nursery In place on the planter

Old Belfast Street Sign

I was provided with the image below of an old Belfast street sign and asked to make a customised version. The main sign area is made from slate, with enamelled white lettering with a lacquer coating. It is approximately 350mm x 250mm

Original version of an old Belfast street sign
Custom made variant of an old Belfast street sign